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Orthotic devices (orthoses) are designed to brace, support, protect, or correct various parts of the body. We offer a wide range of options for the head, neck, spine, and upper and lower extremities to meet each patient’s unique needs for support and stabilization. Depending on a patient’s anatomy and the severity of the condition being treated, we may customize a pre-fabricated device or build a device specific to the patient.

We treat patients with diverse needs, and work diligently to find the best solution for each person. Arthritis, complications from diabetes, nerve injuries, back injuries, sports injuries, stroke recovery, traumatic brain injuries, developmental deformities, and foot and ankle deformities are just a few of the many conditions we work with on a daily basis. We believe that a team approach leads to successful patient outcomes and will work closely with you, your physician, and therapist to ensure your device is most appropriate for your goals.

Types of Orthoses

If your doctor has given you a prescription, you may be familiar with some of the terminology used to describe orthotic devices. Devices are labeled after the body segment they are designed to support.

Categories and examples include:

Lower Extremities
AFO – Ankle Foot Orthosis
KAFO – Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis
HKAFO – Hip Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis
HKO – Hip Knee Orthosis
KO – Knee Orthosis
FO – Foot Orthosis (foot inserts for shoes)

Upper Extremities
WHFO – Wrist Hand Finger Orthosis
WHO – Wrist Hand Orthosis
EWHO – Elbow Wrist Hand Orthosis

CO – Cervical Orthosis
TLSO – Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Orthosis
LSO – Lumbar Sacral Orthosis
CTO – Cervical Thoracic Orthosis
CTLSO – Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Orthosis
Scoliosis management

Cranial Remolding Helmets for Infants
Protective Helmets for Self Injury & Special Needs Patients
Protective Helmets (trauma patients/post-op)

Circulation and Healing
Compression Stockings (off the shelf)
Compression Wraps for patients with wounds or difficulty donning traditional stockings

Information you will need for your first visit.
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